Monday, January 9, 2012

to see the new things, to touch the untouched

It's time. Time to pull out the new year and officially embrace it here on the blog. Maybe I'll actually blog a lot this year?

2012. It has a nice ring. And it's an even number.( For some reason I tend to feel more comfortable with even numbers.)
I'm sure there's a lot of speculating that can/could be done about this year. But I'm not going to go there. It doesn't feel necessary.

Here is what I know already about 2012 for our family. We as a family are together and loving it that way. I am grateful.

Some changes seem to be ahead. Good changes. But change can be a bit challenging for me to weather. So there's that.

I am very grateful for our church family. They keep surprising me. It's a wonderful thing to be loved like they love.

And last but not least I am aware of a real desire towards more prayer, renewal, growth in my walk as a follower of Christ.

I am hoping all of you are finding Treasure of the best kind and that this year you will be blessed in all the ways a wise Father sees good!

2012, I am ready to walk into you and see and touch and learn things I've never seen and known before.

Please lead,Father.

with love,